Sunday, October 05, 2008

This few days have been like clubbing everynite and back home around 5am, this few days have also open my eyes on somethings and eventually make me realise there are many things that get me jealous and envy but as i tried to be more open minded about it, it came to my sense that life is much better. So wat if i'm single and the rest of my friends are in a relationship? So wat if my friends got laid and i went home alone? So wat if life is just a bitch?

Many thinggs in life we will be envy of someone else stuff, gf, bf, watever it is but thinking in another way, they are other ppl who are far pity then me and life is more bitchy for them. My life may not be as perfect as some ppl but at least i have friends, real good bunch of friends who are always here for me. Yea, maybe sexual stuff my friends cant give me but, can settle myself lar.

Of coz i still hope one day i will eventually found someone i can share my life with but maybe not the time is not here. My taste on my desire person is changing, i don't jus need someone adorable but only care about ownself but i need more then that. i dont like it anymore driving around fetching the person i love everywhere just because i have a car. i dont like anymore to give face everytime the person i love is piss off. I want someone who i like and also able to be in the same shoe as me.