Monday, September 15, 2008

Jus got the mood of blogging and though of writing some stuff i feel like saying out but dunno where to express it. It has been a rocking journey in tis past few months. Broke up a few times, found out stuff i rather not know it, did badly for my exams and assingments and some other stuff.

Have u ever fall in love with someone that u should not have or already know that that person is a player or is actually having a relationship but eventually as u found out, the person says to u, " Actually i already wanted to tell u" or that person dont give a damn to u anymore and didnt even say goodbye?

I have and it was not good. It all started with some happy fairy tales story and u though to yourself " i think i found the one" and everything was smooth, the eye contact was there, the feelings was there, the communication was perfect, the night was perfect and you though nth would go wrong at all.... BOOM, i found out that i was jus the 3rd party. But inside your heart, u still hope one day, the person come back to u.

I guess that happen to many many people before but i always believe in karma and learn to just take it like a man and move on wit my life.

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